Common Electrical Fire Causes

Causes Of Electrical Fires

Electrical fires are probably the most dangerous and destructive kind of fire. They can happen unexpectedly and spread fast, usually resulting in significant damage to property and serious injuries or possibly death. There are many various aspects that can contribute to an electrical fire, including defective electrical outlets, out of date appliances, lighting fixtures, misusage of…

Workplace Fire Safety

Workplace Fire Safety: 5 Tips To Stay Safe

Maintaining a safe workplace is crucial, especially when it comes to hazards and fires. Use these five tips below to ensure workplace fire safety. Tip 1. Minimize Fire Hazards One key to effective workplace safety is the ability to recognize and eliminate potential fire hazards before problems arise. Do the following tasks to keep everyone…

Electrical Fire Signs

Signs Of Electrical Fire

Electricity makes all our lives easier, but it comes with certain residential risks. Homeowners need to know the warning signs of potential electrical fires. Causes Of Electrical Fires Identifying the potential causes of an electrical fire at home can help you avoid disaster. Here are a few common causes of electrical fires: Outdated wiring. Lack…

Home Fire Safety Checklist

Home Fire Safety Checklist

Below is a complete home fire safety checklist to keep you and your family protected. Smoke Alarms ❒ Make sure working smoke alarms are on every level of the home. ❒ These alarms should be placed inside and outside any sleeping areas. ❒ Test the alarms each and every month. ❒ Change batteries as needed.…

Fire Protection Systems

Cost Of Fire Suppression System

The costs of fire suppression systems can vary. Prices can range all the way from $10,000-$300,000, with an average cost of $40,000. Average Cost Of Fire Suppression Systems The overall cost of a fire suppression system depends heavily on what you are attempting to protect. Location along with local and national fire and safety regulations…

How To Put Out An Electrical Fire

How Do You Put Out An Electrical Fire?

Electrical fires are reportedly responsible for more than 51,000 fires each year, according to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI). These fires will result in nearly 500 deaths and 1,400 total injuries. How can you put out an electrical fire if one occurs at home? Follow our step-by-step guide below. How To Put Out Electrical…

How To Put Out An Electrical Fire

How To Put Out An Electrical Fire

Electrical fires are reportedly responsible for more than 51,000 fires each year, according to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI). These fires will result in nearly 500 deaths and 1,400 total injuries. How can you put out an electrical fire if one occurs at home? Follow our step-by-step guide below. How To Put Out Electrical…

Fire Protection Systems

Fire Protection Systems

For the safety of your employees and property, investing in a fire protection system is one of the most important things you can do. If you are wondering what types of fire protection systems are available, this article will help. What Are Fire Protection Systems? The best possible way to defend and protect your building…